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      Have Some Hatha Yoga

      The famous 'Lotus postion' from the Asanas is the hallmark of Hatha Yoga for most people in the world. Nearly every one of us has seen someone somewhere blissfully zoned-out in that cross-legged, upward-palm yoga position. When people hear the word 'Yoga', Hatha Yoga will come to mind first.

      Hatha Yoga is popular--in fact-- the most popular branch of Yoga. Other styles of yoga such as the Kundalini, Ashtanga, Bikram and Power Yoga all originated from Hatha Yoga.

      Hatha Yoga is an ancient 5000 year old sytem devoted to promote and enhance a healthy body, mind and spirit. Hatha Yoga combines the asana stretching exercises with mental concentration and breathing techniques.

      The main focus of Hatha Yoga is the same as many other types of Yoga practice -- to blend the human spirit with the peaceful spirit of the Universe. The person who practices Yoga exercise can increase their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. As with the other styles of Yoga, concentration is the main tool for success in yoga practice.

      Concentration can be difficult to maintain and to recover once it slips away. If you find yourself easily distracted by outside forces, Hatha Yoga can work to resolve it.






      There are similarities in all types of Yoga. The main focus of Hatha Yoga is to prepare the body to 'give in' so that the spirit will be able to absorb and accomplish its mission. The spirit is responsible in lifting and enlightening. When the spirit is enlightened, the mind is relaxed and it throws away all stress and pain. The body follows suit.

      Many people don't realize that if the body is unhealthy or unfit, then your spirit cannot successfully accomplish the task. Likewise, if your spirit is weak, Hatha Yoga can strengthen it to enhance your physical self as well.

      Your spirit and body need to respond in tandem so that the mind can maintain focused concentration. Hatha Yoga will help encourage your body to move and advance positively to a level in which the spirit will be able to work properly.

      Hatha Yoga is known as the' vehicle' for the soul. It is responsible for 'driving' the body and the spirit into the universe. Perhaps the blissful countenance we witness on someone in the famed "lotus position' is due to their imagined soaring through the universe -- feeling no gravity at all. The total relaxation of bliss enlightens their face.

      The practice of Hatha Yoga can help you experience for yourself that there is a divine light that shines within you. Not only can it enlighten you, but it can help you become physically stronger, relaxed and flexible.

      Hatha Yoga exercises allows spiritual energy to flow through the open energy channels if the triad of mind, body and spirit are in good harmony. Weakness in any of the three will affect the others.

      Next time your work leaves you exhausted and depleted, relax with Hatha Yoga - the best remedy to release that pain and tension.

      Instead of reaching for that comforting junk food or taking your frustrations out in some other unhealthy way....'have some Hatha Yoga' for what ails you!































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